The importance of water while exercising

When you exercise, you lose an enormous amount of water, which must be replaced.  Athletes don’t carry around water just for show.  An hour of working out can easily cost you one to two quarts of water, doubling your daily need.
Even when you’re not exercising, waiting until you are thirsty is like waiting to gas up your car until the needle is on the big red E.  According to the Susan Kalish, executive director of the American Running and Fitness Association, by the time you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.  Don’t wait hydrate yourself continually.  Losing just 2 percent of your body’s water hurts your exercise performance. I learned very quickly that if I didn’t keep a water bottle near my treadmill, I get tired much faster and even felt a little dizzy.
Here are some easy steps to help keep you hydrated throughout your workout:
  • Drink before you exercise
  • Drink frequently during your workout
  • Drink cool fluids
  • Drink after your workout