One of the fondest memories I have growing up in Haiti was corn season. My family and I would indulge is some of the sweetest corn one could imagine. A combination of intense Caribbean sunshine and no use of fertilizers or pesticides. We tasted corn how it was meant to taste (non GMO too!). However, you can still experience the BEST corn in your state by shopping at a farmer's market near you.  Go with open heart and enjoy the natural sweetness of this side dish.

Here’s one of my favorite recipes for sweet corn ~ You’ll Need…
5-8 large corns (sweet corn)
2 scallions
3 sprigs thyme
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 cups coconut milk
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 large clove garlic
1 tablespoon chopped shado beni (optional)
1 habanero pepper (whole)

You do not need any butter for these when you’re ready to serve them. The coconut milk will add a surprising buttery richness to the finished corn and those herbs will have your taste-buds screaming for more. I assure you there’s no better way to enjoy corn on the cob.

PS -Sweet corn is boiled with perfectly seasoned coconut milk and herbs to enhance the flavors of the corn.